Brandon Whannell
Brandon's Bio
- Born: Gold Coast
- Year Started TV Magic: 2020
- Service Area: Brisbane, South
- Mob. 0449 945 220
- Fav. TV Snack: Sea salt chips
- Fav. TV Show / Movie: Star Wars
Career Highlights / Achievements
- 2021: Joined $5k club
- 2022: Joined $10k club
An Interview with Brandon by Beth O
Beth: "Hi Brandon! So lets kick off with this question; what's your all time favourite place on Earth? "
Brandon: "New York"
Beth: "Oh wow. And what do you do for fun? "
Brandon: "Video games"
Beth: "What about this one, what did you do before TV Magic? "
Brandon: "I was a chef"
Beth: "Biggest achievement in life or business?"
Brandon: "Buying a new car"
Beth: "ok my favourite question. What is the most awkward customer experince you've ever had to endure? "
Brandon: "Never really had one"
Beth: "oh that's a bit boring. Lucky for you I suppose lol. What about this one, what's the biggest tip you've ever received? "
Brandon: "$400"
Beth: "Nice! well that's all Brandon, thankyou for your time!"
Brandon: "Thanks Beth"
Brandon Whannell receiving an award
Brandon receives recognition for joined $5k club along with Harri and Jotham
Brandon harnessed up, doing an antenna installation..
Left to Right - Shane, Shaun, Nick, Bryden & Brandon