Lorne Extra TV Points

0406 199 799

Have your extra TV points wherever you want, and in the blink of an eye! Call TV Magic Lorne today!

Do you find that your TV points are just never in the places you really need them to be when you move into a new home? There's usually one in the living room and it's in the weirdest location and often not suitable for your TV setup at all! Or perhaps your children have just reached that age where they want to enjoy their favourite shows from the comfort and privacy of their own bedrooms and you need extra TV points to make that happen? No matter why you need extra TV points, or where you want them TV Magic Lorne are able to help you out!

So let me introduce myself. My name is Vaughan, your local home entertainment specialist, and I am located right here in Lorne, so having extra TV points in your home has never been easier! When you book me in for my extra TV points service I will be at your door quick as a flash to take care of the job, providing you with a simple hassle free solution to your problem. 

And it doesn't matter where you would like your extra TV points in your Lorne home either, TV Magic Lorne can do it! Do you want your extra TV points installed on the ceiling so you can have your TV positioned high up on the wall? No problem! Would you like extra TV points installed outside your Lorne home so you can enjoy a little TV time in places such as the outdoor deck or in the pool yard? No problem. TV Magic Lorne can provide you with your extra TV points your way, so jump on the phone and book your service in today!

Book me in at the drop of a hat! Call Vaughan today!

0406 199 799

TV Point Installation - As many as you want, anywhere you want!

It's quite 'normal' to share a home..
but not share the same interest in entertainment!

We can usually come out at the drop of a hat!

My Services and Service Areas 


Servicing Lorne & Surrounding Areas 

0406 199 799