TV MAGIC donates their services to LIONS CLUB INTERNATIONAL 

 Lions Club, Camp Duckadang had a 10 year old system in their 'Hamilton Hall'. TV Magic upgraded the screen, projector, PA system and audio visual system to acommodate the X, Y and Z generations! Now Camp Duckadang have blu ray, HD quality, iPAD and APPLE TV compatible system to keep them up to speed for the next err 10 years? 

Shannon Noble Joins the Team!

Welcome our latest Adelaide TV antenna installer - Shannon! You can contact Shannon on 0488 870 877. You can learn more about Shannon by clicking on his profile here

Meet the rest of the TEAM

Latest Video: How to get the best picture on your Television screen possible


Sam John joins the team!

Our latest team member, Sam John is our new Perth franchisee

You can contact Sam on 0488 808 801

Meet the rest of the TEAM